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Disperse Red 1

CAS No. 2872-52-8

Disperse Red 1 ( Celliton Red B | Celliton Scarlet B | Diacelliton Scarlet B | Fenacet Scarlet B | Neosetile Scarlet B )

产品货号. M24202 CAS No. 2872-52-8

Disperse Red 1,一种偶氮苯衍生物,是一种偶氮纺织品染料,广泛用于纺织工业中的聚酯织物染色。

纯度: >98% (HPLC)

COA Datasheet HNMR HPLC MSDS Handing Instructions
规格 价格/人民币 库存 数量
500MG ¥551 有现货
1G 获取报价 有现货


  • 产品名称
    Disperse Red 1
  • 注意事项
  • 产品简述
    Disperse Red 1,一种偶氮苯衍生物,是一种偶氮纺织品染料,广泛用于纺织工业中的聚酯织物染色。
  • 产品描述
    Disperse Red 1 is an azo dye that contributes to the toxicity and pollution of wastewater.
  • 体外实验
    Exposure of human lymphocytes and a human hepatoma (HepG2) cell line to Disperse Red 1 in vitro at concentrations of 1.0 μg/mL and 2.0 μg/mL increases the frequency of micronuclei and also causes mutations in the Salmonella assay (13 revertants/μg).
  • 体内实验
    To assess the toxic effects of Disperse Red 1 (DR1), on reproduction, sexually mature male mice (Mus musculus, strain CF-1) are orally (gavage) treated with single doses of the compound (20-500 mg/kg). Disperse Red 1 treatment causes testicular toxicity, increases frequency of sperm with abnormal morphology and decreases fertility. An increased amount of DNA damage is also detected in testis cells 16.6 and 24.9 days after treatments with 100 and 500 mg/kg.
  • 同义词
    Celliton Red B | Celliton Scarlet B | Diacelliton Scarlet B | Fenacet Scarlet B | Neosetile Scarlet B
  • 通路
  • 靶点
    Other Targets
  • 受体
  • 研究领域
  • 适应症


  • CAS Number
  • 分子量
  • 分子式
  • 纯度
    >98% (HPLC)
  • 溶解度
    DMSO:80 mg/mL?(254.50 mM;?Need ultrasonic)
  • 化学全称


  • 储存条件
  • 运输条件
    With Ice Pack
  • 稳定性
    ≥ 2 years


1.Fernandes FH, Bustos-Obregon E, Salvadori DM. Disperse Red 1 (textile dye) induces cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in mouse germ cells. Reprod Toxicol. 2015 Jun;53:75-81. doi: 10.1016/j.reprotox.2015.04.002. Epub 2015 Apr 13. PubMed PMID: 25883024.
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